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Case studies

Infinite Healthcare, Medical imaging specialists

  • Healthcare

Customer Success story “ RemoteView is accompanying Infinite’s Health Care IT solution. ”

Infinite Healthcare provides healthcare IT solutions to over 5,200 hospitals in 51 countries worldwide, impressing customers with technology and services. The medical imaging solution specialist dominates 70% of Korea’s PACS market.

Infinite Healthcare has proven its technology through IHE testing by developing products that are 100% compatible with international standards such as DICOM, HL7, HIPAA, etc.

01 Background

From the beginning of its business, Infinite Healthcare recognized the need for remote control products. This prepared them for various situations while offering medical image storage and transmission systems to hospitals and clinics.

Yet, readily available free remote control products often faced challenges. They struggled to bypass the hospital’s firewall, had complex connection processes, and caused delays in situations requiring prompt service.

Doctors frequently use Infinite Healthcare’s solution to analyze and explain various medical images to patients. Hence, they required a remote control solution that is easy, fast, and ensures no delay or interruption.

02 Usage

Infinite Healthcare views the result image remotely from the hospital Server's D/B

The Infinite Healthcare’s medical imaging equipment, like X-Ray, CT, and MRI, captures images stored in the server as standardized files.
When visiting a patient and needing to consult about an illness, the doctor retrieves the film and downloads it to the computer.
To ensure smoother service, we needed to move high-resolution files ranging from 600 to 1,500 MB at high speed remotely.
In addition, as this is patients’ personal medical information, stable operation along with security was important.

RemoteView was introduced and after installing the remote control agent on the device, only authorized accounts were allowed to access remotely.
When a patient visits a hospital, the high-resolution film stored in the hospital server can be shared or transmitted remotely to be checked almost instantly.
In addition, remote access privileges are set separately so that a patient’s personal medical record is not exposed safely offering remote imaging medical solution to customers.

03 Results

After the introducing RemoteView, Infinite Healthcare’s customer satisfaction naturally increased.
Before we introduced RemoteView, using other remote control products resulted in multiple unpleasant feedbacks from customers due to a difficult and slow initial connection process, especially when the customer was present. After adopting RemoteView, these complaints disappeared, and even older users can now access remote control services very easily.

Typically, big hospitals have their own IT team, but smaller ones often don’t. RemoteView instantly solves issues like software reinstallation and data compatibility during transfers between hospitals.

“Unlike its competitors, RemoteView has all three essential elements for Infinity Healthcare: speed, ease of remote access, and fast data transfer capabilities. We guarantee the superiority of RemoteView from our benchmark tests.”
– Namcheol Yoon, Infinite Healthcare Deputy Manager –



Virtual Experience